Thursday 22 April 2010

Target by Simon Kernick

As readers of this blog will have noticed my taste runs to stories set in previous eras, in fact I usualy avoid modern thrillers as their brutality and vulgarity are most off-putting to me. Target by Simon Kernick has plenty of brutality and a good ration of vulgarity but it is a tribute to his writing that I found myself carried along by this story despite this. Writer Rob Fallon meets the attractive ex-girlfriend of his mate Dom and ends up back at her flat when two thugs break in snatch the girl and try to kill him. He escapes by mere chance but when he brings the police back to the flat it has been cleaned up and everyone denies that anything has happened. This is followed by a more that usualy realistic investigation which kept me "glued to the page" as they say. A real good 'un.

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