Sunday 19 June 2011

Holy Warrior by Angus Donald

Richard the Lionheart sets out for the Holy Land to fulfill his vow to liberate Jerusalem from the Saracens. In his train rides Robert, Earl of Loxley aka Robin Hood. This Robin Hood has no resemblance to Errol Flynn or the dashing social engineer of legend, he is a battle hardened warrior with both eyes fixed firmly on the main chance and would not be going on crusade at all were it not for an oath sworn to the Templar knight Sir Richard at Lea in return for support against the Sherrif of Nottingham. However, he is on the road with a strong party of men-at-arms and his comrades from Sherwood Little John, Will Scarlett and the narrator of the story Alan Dale and an excellent story it is too. Original, convincing and never slacking it's pace it kept this reader turning the pages and, what is more, waiting keenly for the sequel.

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