Sunday 5 May 2013

The Colours of Space by Marion Zimmer Bradley

On Kindle via Project Gutenberg

This is one of the good old fashioned science fiction stories from the days before SF writers thought that they had to be fantasists/philosophers.   It has spaceships and aliens and super warp drives all the things that we expected in a space adventure when I was a lad.   True it also has the "if only we all knew one another better we would all live together in peace" line that was standard practice back in the fifties and no we did not believe it then either.
Many centuries in the future man has travelled to other solar systems and colonised them but with great difficulty constrained as they are by Einsteins dictum that nothing can travel faster than light but then a new species from another galaxy turn up who have mastered the warp drive.   These people, the Lharis, keep the secret of warp drive to themselves and corner the market in interstellar travel but a group of humans are determined to penetrate their security and learn the secret.   One young man is subjected to radical surgery to enable him to pass as a Lhari and take a position on a star ship.   During the voyage he cracks the secret and learns to love the Lharis and they all live happily ever after.
Well, that is the kind of SF that was the regular diet of my youth and this story provided a pleasant few hours of nostalgia.

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