Thursday 11 July 2013

The Swarm by Rob Heinze

On Kindle

There are certain species who, at regular intervals, congregate or swarm in order to reproduce.   What would happen if humans should do this?   This is the theme of Rob Heinze's book.

On a small vacation island off the coast of New Jersey all of the population who are fertile suddenly walk trance-like to the beach and indulge in mass copulation ( yes I know it sounds like Club Med) What has caused this behaviour?   I must admit that even after reading the book I am still not sure.   However, I am sure that I found this book to be most imaginative and entertaining to the point where I devoured it at one sitting.

The Swarm is self published which is OK by me as some of the best books I have ever read have been rejected by all the big publishing houses but I do think that it would have benefitted from an independant editor.

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