Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Whoz Crazee Now

I have finally got round to reading my son-in-law's copy of Whoz Crazee Now the autobiography of Slade front man Neville Holder better known as Noddy. Much of the Slade story has been told in various publications since the group broke through to become one of the most popular acts of the "Glam Rock" era. Even today Merry Christmas Everybody is still the number one Christmas anthem. Noddy's story begins on a council estate in Walsall, the heart of England's Black Country so called because of the pollution caused by the mining and other heavy industries. His long struggle through the familiar path of gigs at pubs, clubs and campuses until teaming up with Dave Hill and Don Powell, bringing in Jimmy Lea and being brought under the experienced wing of ex-Animals bassist Chas Chandler kept me glued to the page. The book was originally published in 1999 and is, no doubt, out of print but Noddy's no holds barred tale of the dedication and hard work that it takes to succeed and the problems that accompany success are well worth tracking down a copy. Unusualy for me I devoured this fascinating book in one sitting but then, I always thought Slade were the greatest!

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