Sunday, 24 May 2009

Pack Animals

Pack Animals by Peter Anghelides is a novel based on the popular TV series Torchwood and features all the characters in it and the city of Cardiff where it is set. If you are a fan of the programe and it's immortal leader Captain Handsome Jack Harkness and it's ability to fight swarms of aliens without the people of Cardiff noticing a thing then you will love this book. The Torchwood organisation was set up by Queen Victoria after Handsome Jack saved her from an alien assassin and he has been fighting aliens and keeping their technology out of the hands of the rest of us ever since. In this book, however, a piece of powerful technology has fallen into the hands of a youth who uses it to revenge himself for real or imagined slights suffered in childhood with devastating results. If this kind of thing is your idea of a good read OK, if not don't touch it. Love it or hate it there is no middle way with this kind of book.

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