Saturday, 3 August 2013

Game Changer by John R Childress

On Kindle

In 1968 Dr Matt Richards, newly qualified, travels to the Lebanon as part of a university mind-broadening scheme.   There he meets and falls in love with a Jordanian graduate who is embittered by the death of her brother at the hands of the Israelis.   The girl is killed in a bomb blast and Richards spirals down into alchoholism.   Thirty years later and just about hanging on to a lecturers job he falls for Kelly Stevens, daughter of an American Senator, who is not happy with the relationship.   At the same time multiple conspiracies are afoot one of which has the Senator involved and after an altercation at a cocktail party Richards and Kelly are forced into a motor accident.   When he comes round he is  in hospital and has had a face transplant.   The new face belonged to an international assasin who had just been murdered by Mossad.   It all goes downhill from there with Richards and a young woman journalist being chased from pillar to post until they finally manage to save the day.

This book is advertised as aimed at fans of Frederick Forsyth however, I do not feel that this is quite up to Forsyth's standard.   Nonetheless it is an entertaining read for a long journey which is as much as one can ask.

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