Thursday 21 April 2011

Snobbery with Violence by M.C. Beaton

Having read about a dozen of the author's Agatha Raisin books I looked forward to this new departure into Edwardian detective fiction. Oh dear! What a disappointment. The plot is OK but the characters are stock Central Casting images. The well-connected but impecunious war hero setting himself up as a private eye assisted by an Earl's daughter whom Americans would describe as "feisty" ie wilful and mouthy. Their clients are, of course, all from the aristocracy who are without exception portrayed as stupid, arrogant, self-centred and often malicious. Has it not occurred to writers like Miss Beaton that had this been a true picture of British Aristocrats they would have long since disappeared from the scene and not be, as so many are, still farming their broad acres from the comfort of their stately homes. If this book is ever filmed I am sure that one of Miss Beaton's derided Lords will make good money renting his castle to the film company.

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