Wednesday 21 July 2010

Raiders from the North by Alex Rutherford

This is the first volume of a promised quintet of novels collectively called Empire of the Moghul. At the end of the fifteenth century Babur finds himself King of the minor Central Asian state of Ferghana due to the accidental death of his father. Fortunate to have the support of his late father's General he establishes his rule. As a descendant of both Genghis Khan and Tamburlaine great things are expected of him as his grandmother never ceases to remind him. As one deduces from the title eventually he conquers Hindustan and founds the Moghul Empire but only after a breathtaking series of battles, betrayals and skin-of-the-teeth successes. I am not qualified to judge the historical accuracy of this story but as Mr Rutherford sets out his tale with such verve I am not inclined to worry on this score. I look forward to volume two.

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