Saturday 17 July 2010

The Shangani Patrol by John Wilcox

This is the seventh of the adventures of Simon Fonthill and his companion 352 Jenkins and tells how they become involved in the plans of Cecil Rhodes to extend his influence north of the Cape. Rhodes has concluded an agreement with Lobengula, King of the Matabele and overlord of Mashonaland, and needs Fonthill to lead a convoy of wagons conveying the goods that are his part of the bargain. He also wants Fonthill to try to find a route to the sea from Matabeleland but here he comes into conflict with the Portugese who have colonised Mozambique. Lobengula's young warriors are hungry for a war and Rhodes colleague Jameson is determined to press ahead regardless to found the country he already refers to as Rhodesia. With all of this the scene should be set for a cracking adventure novel. Unfortunately two things get in the way. The first is that some of the characters express views that are more of the twentyfirst that the nineteenth century. This is, I suppose, understandable in that the publishers desire not to offend anyone in these times when taking umbrage has become our national passtime. This is irritating but I can let it pass. My second complaint is more structural, avoidable and in danger of putting me off these books altogether. On the book jacket the Sunday Express is quoted as describing the Fonthill novels as "grown-up Boys Own stuff" well it isn't. No self-respecting Boys Own hero would drag his wife round with him to generaly get in the way and complicate matters. Alice Fonthill is what Americans refer to as "feisty" ie she cannot keep her big mouth shut and causes endless unnecessary problems which Simon has to sort out. As far as the action goes she is entirely surplus to requirements. Is there no way she can be shipped of to Norfolk and stay there so that Simon and 352 can get on with the derring-do uninterupted? I am quite sure that Alan Quartermain would not have put up with her. I shall, of course, get round to reading the next Fonthill but he and 352 are drinking in the Last Chance saloon.

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